For growing and individual requirements

ELOprofessional as modular client-server solution is conceived for the needs of small and mid-sized enterprises. ELOprofessional's modular construction enables an individual DMS/ECM solution synchronized with the enterprise's requirements.

  • Applications. A document management system’s strength lies in the combination of different documents independently of origin and format. For this purpose, ELOprofessional is compatible with a variety of third-party applications like CAD, ERP or mail systems, but also with Microsoft Office products.
  • Teamwork. For consistent cooperation in a team, it is necessary that everyone authorized to access documents can do so and ultimately an exact protocolling of the modifications is ensured.
  • Smooth. Regardless of whether small or large installations, the desire always exists for simple manageability and care as well as maintenance-free operation to the extent possible. ELOprofessional is built to keep administrative costs as low as possible.