Staggered prices added
(available from V6.4.1017)

From now on the invoice module within the financial accounting software EuroFib for Windows supports staggered prices.

In the application you can enter them under the following menu item:
TO => Basic data => Staggered prices

You can enter staggered prices for the following basic data (in combinations too!)

- Article group
- Article
- Customer group
- Account

If you have entered the desired basic data, you can start the input (or edit) with F11 (execute). With F5 you have the possibility to search already entered staggered prices.

- Valid from
- Valid to
- From amount
- Net price
- Gross price
- Discount %

The application will use the lowest price after checking all entered data within the system! (Exception: If you have entered a valid from/to area, this price will be used in this period)